Problems of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) – Over using the hand or elbow can cause this. Arthritis, rehumatism, or gout may also cause these symptoms. We have seen acupuncture be very effective for this, but the person must be careful not to strain the arm until it has healed.
Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow) – Not necessarily from golf, this is a pain and inflammation on the inside part of the elbow. The symptoms include pain when grasping, lifting, or straightening the arm. Acupuncture is also very effective for this condition, but it also requires rest.
Wrist Sprain – Ligaments in the wrist can be harmed after falling on the hand. The person may feel pain, swelling, bruising, or a tingling sensation at the wrist with difficulty moving. For mild cases, acupuncture applied immediately after the injury will be most effective. Severe cases may require surgery.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Excessive wrist movements can result in squeezing or compression of the median nerve in the tunnel of the wrist. This produces symptoms of burning, numbness, tingling, itching, wrist swelling, decreased hand strength, and pain that awakens the person. Acupuncture can be very effective in this situation.
Ulnar Nerve Injury – Major symptoms of this injury are tingling sensation on the ulnar side of the forearm, weakness and numbness on the ulnar side of the hand, and weakness and difficulty grasping objects. Acupuncture can be very helpful for this condition.
Wrist Tendonitis – The tendons of the wrist are house in sheath which the normally slide through easily. Overuse of the wrist in sports, work, or computer use can inflame the tendon sheath, which restricts the movement of the tendon. Acupuncture applied to the inflamed tissue and muscles can be very effective.
Ulnar Nerve Injury – Major symptoms of this injury are tingling sensation on the ulnar side of the forearm, weakness and numbness on the ulnar side of the hand, and weakness and difficulty grasping objects. Acupuncture can be very helpful for this condition.
Thumb/Finger Sprain Finger Dislocation – This requires emergency medical treatment. Afterwards, acupuncture can relieve pain and assist healing.