Common Questions About Acupuncture
Click on any of the questions below to reveal their answers…
How old is acupuncture?
Chinese medicine goes back over 3,000 years. Acupuncture is one branch of Chinese Medicine, which also includes herbal medicine, dietary therapy, massage, and exercise.
How does it work?
Acupuncture works through at least 5 known physiological mechanisms: local tissue healing, segmental analgesia, extrasegmental analgesia, central nervous system regulatory effects, and myofascial trigger point release. Visit our page on how it works to read more.
Does acupuncture just relieve pain or does it actually help cure the problem?
It depends on the problem. Our method reliably and predictably relieves pain, aids soft tissue healing, and leads to functional improvement. An acute problem may resolve completely, whereas a long term chronic situation may improve but not resolve.
How quickly can I expect to feel better?
Many people report pain relief after one treatment, for others it may take some time. The first thing you may notice may not be pain relief. Instead, you may notice other things such as improved sleep or less anxiety.
How many treatments do I need?
During the consultation we will discuss what may be best for you. Initially you may be best served by coming between 1-3 times per week. This will help us to track and follow different symptoms or concerns, and how you respond to acupuncture. Once your symptoms begin shift or subside, we can work on a plan that is either biweekly, monthly, or seasonal depending on your over health needs.
It is important to remember that acupuncture builds on it’s self, thus chronic conditions may take time to shift.
What are the needles like?
Only sterile, disposable needles are used so there is no risk of infection. We use a needle once, then we dispose of it. Acupuncture needles are small and hair-thin. They are solid, not hollow like needles used by doctors. They contain no medication. For comparison, they are about 20 times smaller than a needle used for drawing blood.
Does acupuncture hurt?
No, acupuncture should not hurt. A momentary prick is often felt around the needle as it is inserted, eventually creating a dull pressure or tingling around the area during the treatment. Most people are amazed by how relaxed they feel during and after the treatment.
Do you have a license or a degree?
Yes. To become a licensed acupuncturist, one must have completed a minimum of 3 years of acupuncture training, which includes biology, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, Chinese medical theory, herbal medicine, acupuncture treatment techniques, and a clinical internship. Following the degree completion one must take a national board (NCCAOM) examination and then apply to each individual state for a license. One is the granted the title “” for licensed acupuncturist, not “Doctor.” An acupuncturist should also carry malpractice and liability insurance and comply with all local, state, and federal business regulations.
Does acupuncture always help?
No, but it usually does. If you do not feel any benefit after 3-5 treatments, then acupuncture may not work for you.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?
Very rarely. Check with your insurance plan. We do not bill the insurance company but will give you a receipt you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Some plans cover acupuncture if provided by an M.D. or D.C., however many patients still choose Naperville Acupuncture Center because of our focus, dedication, and experience in practicing acupuncture. Also, you may be able to utilize your flex-spending account, so check your benefits carefully!
Why should I choose your clinic?
An excellent question. I chose this profession for one reason above all others: I wanted to do something that would be beneficial for other people. Everything we do here is aimed towards improving the life of anyone who walks through our door. We have taken great pains to make our medicine as useful as possible for as many people as possible. That means making the prices affordable, having hours that are convenient for working people, endless research and attempts to find better methods, and always, always, always putting the welfare of the patients first, even when it means referring them to another provider when it is necessary.